Is there a such thing as having too much vintage Christmas crap around the house? I don't think so! This year, I actually did a little less of the vintage thing only because I got a small tree this year (trying to save a little dough) and too many ornaments would take down the tree! Not to mention I have a young cat who finds these items irresistible and since she could probably jump almost to the top of the tree, I thought it wise not to put some of my best breakable vintage ornaments on the tree. Speaking of my nosey cat (Abby), she managed to get her tail in this Santa picture to the left. It's always got to be about her!
Anyway, I decided to take pictures of some of my vintage Christmas items that I've acquired over the years. Most of my glass ornaments I got at a church rummage sale, and the rest of the decor is mostly from various garage sales. The only Christmas item pictured here that I got at the Sacramento
Antique Faire was the one-foot tall light-up Santa and for practically nothing...Probably because it was freezing and raining that day, and he just wanted to get rid of what he could and go home! Also, you may recognize some of the items from my
last post. I decided not to part with the vintage Christmas stuff after all!

I decided to keep the two candelabras that I found at a garage sale the other week (only one pictured here). I've always liked these fake candle sticks, and the orange color of the bulbs is a bit mesmerizing. They're also very bright...When my husband walked in the room the first time I turned them on, he was like, "Whoo, is that the sun!" My son also liked them, so I've kept them both (plus they were only a $1.00 each). I've had to mix up the bulbs between the two sets in order to get one fully working candelabra! In front to of the candelabra pictured is a vintage plastic Santa in his sleigh and his six reindeer. (I thought there were eight reindeer - I guess they weren't concerned with accuracy when making this one.) I found it a few years ago at a garage sale. It also came in its original box! I actually have one other I decided not to put out this year.
I also found this trencher (for $3.00) at the same garage sale as the candelabras. I had bought it knowing that I would probably keep it. I love the way the vintage Shiny Brites that I've collected over the years looks in it!
Here's yet another find from my last excursion. These Santa light covers were found at an estate sale. I think I paid a little too much for them, hence they're staying in my collection for now. Plus, I like them, of course! Abby (our cat mentioned above) particularly likes them too because I find them all around the living room.
Here's a vintage glass tree topper I found several years ago at a yard sale. This picture sucks...sorry!
Anyway, I thought I'd share a little bit of my vintage Christmas decor this year. There is a vintage set of Shiny Brite ornaments that I decided not to keep, which are currently for sale on eBay. It's a beautiful set of 12 ornaments, I'm guessing from the 60's, with the "Twelve Days of Christmas" theme. Each ornament is a day. A really neat find! Click the picture below to go to our eBay store.
Well, I'll close for now...Thank you for reading!
Happy Holidays to all!